No Such Thing as Privacy Online

When it comes to online privacy, we should be afraid. Has technology gotten too good? Maybe. Will it get better? Definitely. With that being said we need to understand that we truly aren't safe online and understand that your online footprint is much larger than you think. After watching the TED Talks as well as The Social Dilemma, a Netflix documentary focused solely on our independence to the Internet and the downfall our generation will see if we continue on this path. 

The Social Dilemma: Netflix Documentary

Our brains are being manipulated and even rewired by algorithms that are designed to get our attention and make us buy things, including buying into distorted ideas about the world, ourselves, and each other. Being that I am a Social Media Marketing, I've gotten the opportunity to learn first hand how Social Media and the Internet truly work. To put it simply, Social Media and the Internet are a drug, lighting up a certain part of the brain that is connected with addictive substances. This ties into the idea that we are not safe online as our society is constantly functioning within technology, adding more and more information about yourself and others. Personally, I believe I present myself very maturely and privately on social media applications but understanding the idea further of privacy, you are made up of thousands of movements online to form you as a single customer to millions of brands. 


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